Distressed Asset Backed Investments. Maximize your return. Understand Use of Funds.
The financial crisis forever changed businesses, and those who lived through disappearing cashflow, job loss, and wiped out asset values, while banks were in a free fall liquidity crisis that brought the U.S. and the highly correlated global economy to the edge of collapse. The loss of confidence in institutions and the value of underlying securitized assets created a “domino effect” that interestingly continues to play out in 2022 with more liquidity to control inflation, but questionable underlying asset valuations.
We believe that Investors can benefit in both boom and bust and bull and bear markets which is why we created “Deal Asset Management.” A back to the basics way to control costs and returns on a deal by deal basis, using the Assets Edge Platform to understand the details behind every transaction. If you have an interest in DAM, contact us at 650-999-0333 or send an email to support@assetsedge.com with investment in the subject line.